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As challenges arise please let an ISE Team Member know so that we can support you with whatever you need.

Homestay Support:

  • If you have questions or concerns about your homestay please talk with your Homestay Coordinator:

Avegale Morgan

Supporting homestays and their students in the catchment areas of Cedar Secondary, Ladysmith Secondary, and Wellington Secondary.


Sunny Hall

Supporting homestays and their students in the catchment area of Dover Bay Secondary.


Denny Probizanski

Supporting homestays and their students in the catchment areas of John Barsby Secondary, and Nanaimo District Secondary.


Academic Support:

  • If you have questions or concerns about your school courses or connection at your school please talk with the International Student Advisor:

Craig Letourneau, ISE Advisor – John Barsby

Nancy Stigings, ISE Advisor – Dover Bay

Nicole McRae, ISE Advisor – Wellington

Moira Dolen, ISE Advisor – Ladysmith

Joanne Pyne, ISE Advisor – NDSS

Health and Wellness Support:

If life is feeling overwhelming, it is important to ask for help.  If you are experiencing excessive fatigue, sadness, anxiety, depression, or irritability, and it doesn’t go away after a few weeks, ask for help.  There are many services in our community to support your well-being.  Here are our recommendations for receiving support:

  • See your school counsellor and/or school nurse
    • John Barsby and Nanaimo District schools have Wellness Centers
  • Visit a doctor at a walk-in clinic
  • Contact a counselling clinician for private counselling or therapy (fee for service)
  • Contact Child and Youth Mental Health
    • Individual and group therapy is available to children and youth with challenges including depression, anxiety, trauma, or psychosis. No referral required.
    • Access to counselling is through walk-in intake from 9 am to 12 noon, and 1 pm to 3 pm Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Call the Crisis Line, Crisis Chat or Crisis Text. You can access the Crisis Line three ways:
    • 24-hour Crisis Line – 1-888-494-3888
    • Crisis Chat –   every evening from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
    • Crisis Text – 250-800-3806 every evening from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
  • Visit the Brook’s Landing Walk-In Clinic
    • Single session crisis counselling sessions.  No appointment is necessary. Services are free of charge (a Medical insurance Card is not required)
    • Monday to Friday:  10:00 am to 6:15 pm
    • Located at Brooks Landing, 2000 N. Island Highway; access is off Departure Bay Road
  • Call 911 or access a Hospital Emergency Room if a crisis is occurring

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